ducky.interfaces module

class ducky.interfaces.IMachineWorker[source]

Bases: object

Base class for objects that provide pluggable service to others.


Prepare for providing the service. After this call, it may be requested by others.


Exceptional state requires immediate termination of service. Probably no object will ever have need to call others’ die method, it’s intended for internal use only.


Terminate service. It will never be requested again, object can destroy its internal state, and free allocated resources.


Called by reactor’s loop when this object is enqueued as a reactor task.


Suspend service. Object should somehow conserve its internal state, its service will not be used until the next call of wake_up method.


Wake up service. In this method, object should restore its internal state, and after this call its service can be requested by others again.

class ducky.interfaces.IReactorTask[source]

Bases: object

Base class for all reactor tasks.


This method is called by reactor to perform task’s actions.

class ducky.interfaces.ISnapshotable[source]

Bases: object

Base class for objects that can be saved into a snapshot.


Restore state of the object.

Parameters:state (ducky.snapshot.SnapshotNode) – snapshot node containing saved state.

Create state of the object, and attach it to a parent snapshot node.

Parameters:parent (ducky.interfaces.ISnapshotable) – parent snapshot node.
class ducky.interfaces.IVirtualInterrupt(machine)[source]

Bases: object
