Source code for ducky.config

VM configuration management

import functools

from six import iteritems
from six.moves import StringIO
from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError

from .util import str2int

[docs]def bool2option(b): """ Get config-file-usable string representation of boolean value. :param bool b: value to convert. :rtype: string :returns: ``yes`` if input is ``True``, ``no`` otherwise. """ return 'yes' if b else 'no'
[docs]class MachineConfig(ConfigParser): """ Contains configuration of the whole VM, and provides methods for parsing, inspection and extending this configuration. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ConfigParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.breakpoints_cnt = 0 self.mmaps_cnt = 0 self.devices_cnt = 0
[docs] def get(self, section, option, default = None, **kwargs): """ Get value for an option. :param string section: config section. :param string option: option name, :param default: this value will be returned, if no such option exists. :rtype: string :returns: value of config option. """ try: return ConfigParser.get(self, section, option, **kwargs) except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): return default
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value, *args, **kwargs): ConfigParser.set(self, section, option, str(value), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def getint(self, section, option, default = None): try: v = ConfigParser.get(self, section, option) return str2int(v) if v is not None else default except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): return default
_boolean_states = {'1': True, 'yes': True, 'true': True, 'on': True, '0': False, 'no': False, 'false': False, 'off': False}
[docs] def getbool(self, section, option, default = None): try: v = ConfigParser.get(self, section, option).lower() if v is None: return default if v not in self._boolean_states: raise ValueError('Not a boolean: {}'.format(v)) return self._boolean_states[v] except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): return default
[docs] def getfloat(self, section, option, default = None): try: v = ConfigParser.get(self, section, option) return float(v) if v is not None else default except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): return default
[docs] def create_getters(self, section): return (functools.partial(self.get, section), functools.partial(self.getbool, section), functools.partial(self.getint, section))
[docs] def read(self, *args, **kwargs):, *args, **kwargs) self.__count_breakpoints() self.__count_mmaps() self.__count_devices()
[docs] def dumps(self): s = StringIO() self.write(s) return s.getvalue()
def __sections_with_prefix(self, prefix): return [s_name for s_name in self.sections() if s_name.startswith(prefix)] def __count(self, prefix): return len(self.__sections_with_prefix(prefix)) def __count_breakpoints(self): self.breakpoints_cnt = self.__count('breakpoint-') def __count_mmaps(self): self.mmaps_cnt = self.__count('mmap-') def __count_devices(self): self.devices_cnt = self.__count('device-')
[docs] def iter_breakpoints(self): for s_name in self.__sections_with_prefix('breakpoint-'): yield s_name
[docs] def iter_mmaps(self): for s_name in self.__sections_with_prefix('mmap-'): yield s_name
[docs] def iter_devices(self): for s_name in self.__sections_with_prefix('device-'): yield s_name
[docs] def iter_storages(self): for s_name in self.__sections_with_prefix('device-'): if self.get(s_name, 'klass') != 'storage': continue yield s_name
[docs] def add_breakpoint(self, core, address, active = None, flip = None, ephemeral = None, countdown = None): bp_section = 'breakpoint-{}'.format(self.breakpoints_cnt) self.breakpoints_cnt += 1 self.add_section(bp_section) self.set(bp_section, 'core', core) self.set(bp_section, 'address', address) if active is not None: self.set(bp_section, 'active', bool2option(active)) if flip is not None: self.set(bp_section, 'flip', bool2option(flip)) if ephemeral is not None: self.set(bp_section, 'ephemeral', bool2option(ephemeral)) if countdown is not None: self.set(bp_section, 'countdown', str(countdown))
[docs] def add_mmap(self, filepath, address, size, offset = None, access = None, shared = None): mmap_section = 'mmap-{}'.format(self.mmaps_cnt) self.mmaps_cnt += 1 self.add_section(mmap_section) self.set(mmap_section, 'file', filepath) self.set(mmap_section, 'address', address) self.set(mmap_section, 'size', size) if offset is not None: self.set(mmap_section, 'offset', offset) if access is not None: self.set(mmap_section, 'access', access) if shared is not None: self.set(mmap_section, 'shared', shared)
[docs] def add_device(self, klass, driver, **kwargs): """ Add another device to the configuration. :param string klass: class of the device (``klass`` option). :param string driver: device driver - dot-separated path to class (``driver`` option). :param kwargs: all keyword arguments will be added to the section as device options. """ section = 'device-{}'.format(self.devices_cnt) self.devices_cnt += 1 self.add_section(section) self.set(section, 'klass', klass) self.set(section, 'driver', driver) for name, value in iteritems(kwargs): self.set(section, name, value) return section
[docs] def add_storage(self, driver, sid, filepath = None): """ Add another storage to the configuration. :param string driver: storage's driver - dot-separated path to class (``driver`` option). :param int sid: storage's SID (``sid`` options). :param string filepath: path to backend file, if there's any (``filepath`` option). """ self.add_device('storage', driver, sid = sid, filepath = filepath)