Source code for ducky.hdt

Hardware Description Table structures.

from ctypes import LittleEndianStructure, sizeof
from enum import IntEnum

from .mm import u8_t, u16_t, u32_t
from .util import str2int
from .devices import get_driver

#: Magic number present in HDT header
HDT_MAGIC = 0x4D5E6F70

[docs]def encode_string(struct, field, s, max_length): """ Store string in a structure's field, and set the corresponding length field properly. :param HDTStructure struct: structure to modify. :param str field: name of field the string should be stored in. :param str s: string to encode. :param int max_length: maximal number of bytes that can fit into the field. """ for i, c in enumerate(s): getattr(struct, field)[i] = ord(c) if i == max_length - 1: break setattr(struct, field + '_length', i + 1)
[docs]class HDTEntryTypes(IntEnum): """ Types of different HDT entries. """ UNDEFINED = 0 CPU = 1 MEMORY = 2 ARGUMENT = 3 DEVICE = 4
[docs]class HDTStructure(LittleEndianStructure): """ Base class of all HDT structures. """ _pack_ = 0
[docs]class HDTHeader(HDTStructure): """ HDT header. Contains magic number, number of HDT entries that immediately follow header. """ _fields_ = [ ('magic', u32_t), ('entries', u32_t), ('length', u32_t) ] def __init__(self): HDTStructure.__init__(self) self.magic = HDT_MAGIC self.entries = 0
[docs]class HDTEntry(HDTStructure): """ Base class of all HDT entries. Each entry has at least two fields, `type` and `length`. Other fields depend on type of entry, and follow immediately after `length` field. :param u16_t type: type of entry. See :py:class:`ducky.hdt.HDTEntryTypes`. :param u16_t length: length of entry, in bytes. """ ENTRY_HEADER = [ ('type', u16_t), ('length', u16_t) ] def __init__(self, entry_type, length): HDTStructure.__init__(self) self.type = entry_type self.length = length @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, *args, **kwargs): return [cls(*args, **kwargs)]
[docs]class HDTEntry_CPU(HDTEntry): """ HDT entry describing CPU configuration. :param u16_t nr_cpus: number of CPUs. :param u16_t nr_cores: number of cores per CPU. """ _fields_ = HDTEntry.ENTRY_HEADER + [ ('nr_cpus', u16_t), ('nr_cores', u16_t) ] def __init__(self, logger, config): HDTEntry.__init__(self, HDTEntryTypes.CPU, sizeof(HDTEntry_CPU)) self.nr_cpus = config.getint('machine', 'cpus') self.nr_cores = config.getint('machine', 'cores') logger.debug('HDTEntry_CPU: nr_cpus=%s, nr_cores=%s', self.nr_cpus, self.nr_cores)
[docs]class HDTEntry_Memory(HDTEntry): """ HDT entry describing memory configuration. :param u32_t size: size of memory, in bytes. """ _fields_ = HDTEntry.ENTRY_HEADER + [ ('size', u32_t) ] def __init__(self, logger, config): HDTEntry.__init__(self, HDTEntryTypes.MEMORY, sizeof(HDTEntry_Memory)) self.size = config.getint('memory', 'size', 0x1000000) logger.debug('HDTEntry_Memory: size=%s', self.size)
[docs]class HDTEntry_Argument(HDTEntry): """ """ _fields_ = HDTEntry.ENTRY_HEADER + [ ('name_length', u8_t), ('value_length', u8_t), ('name', u8_t * 13), ('value', u8_t * 13) ] MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 13 def __init__(self, arg_name, arg_type, arg_value): HDTEntry.__init__(self, HDTEntryTypes.ARGUMENT, sizeof(HDTEntry_Argument)) encode_string(self, 'name', arg_name, HDTEntry_Argument.MAX_NAME_LENGTH) if arg_type == 'int': arg_value = str2int(arg_value) self.value[0] = arg_value & 0xFF self.value[1] = (arg_value >> 8) & 0xFF self.value[2] = (arg_value >> 16) & 0xFF self.value[3] = (arg_value >> 24) & 0xFF else: encode_string(self, 'value', arg_value, HDTEntry_Argument.MAX_NAME_LENGTH) @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, logger, config): if not config.has_section('arguments'): return [] arguments = [] for arg_name in config.options('arguments'): arg_type, arg_value = config.get('arguments', arg_name).split(',') arg_type = arg_type.strip() arg_value = arg_value.strip() arguments.append(HDTEntry_Argument(arg_name, arg_type, arg_value)) return arguments
[docs]class HDTEntry_Device(HDTEntry): """ """ MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 10 MAX_IDENT_LENGTH = 32 ENTRY_HEADER = HDTEntry.ENTRY_HEADER + [ ('name_length', u8_t), ('flags', u8_t), ('name', u8_t * MAX_NAME_LENGTH), ('ident', u8_t * MAX_IDENT_LENGTH) ] def __init__(self, logger, name, ident): HDTEntry.__init__(self, HDTEntryTypes.DEVICE, sizeof(self.__class__)) encode_string(self, 'name', name, HDTEntry_Device.MAX_NAME_LENGTH) encode_string(self, 'ident', ident, HDTEntry_Device.MAX_IDENT_LENGTH)
[docs]class HDT(object): """ Root of HDT. Provides methods for creating HDT for a given machine configuration. :param logging.Logger logger: logger instance used for logging. :param ducky.config.MachineConfig config: configuration file HDT should reflect. """ #: These HDT entries are added automatically. klasses = [ HDTEntry_Memory, HDTEntry_CPU, HDTEntry_Argument ] def __init__(self, logger, config = None): self.logger = logger self.config = config self.header = None self.entries = [] def __len__(self): """ Get size of HDT - sum of entries' lengths and length of a header. :rtype: int :returns: size of HDT, in bytes. """ return sizeof(HDTHeader) + sum([sizeof(entry) for entry in self.entries])
[docs] def create(self): """ Create HDT header and entries from config file. """ self.header = HDTHeader() for klass in HDT.klasses: self.entries += klass.create(self.logger, self.config) for device in self.config.iter_devices(): self.entries += get_driver(self.config.get(device, 'driver', None)).create_hdt_entries(self.logger, self.config, device) self.header.entries = len(self.entries) self.header.length = len(self)