Source code for

import sys
import optparse
import tabulate

from six import itervalues, iteritems
from collections import defaultdict

from . import add_common_options, parse_options
from ..cpu.instructions import DuckyInstructionSet, get_instruction_set, EncodingContext
from import File, SectionTypes, SECTION_TYPES, SYMBOL_DATA_TYPES, SymbolDataTypes, RelocFlags, SymbolFlags, SectionFlags
from ..log import get_logger

from ..cpu.coprocessor.math_copro import MathCoprocessorInstructionSet  # noqa

[docs]def show_file_header(f): f_header = f.header I = get_logger().info I('=== File header ===') I(' Magic: 0x%X', f_header.magic) I(' Version: %i', f_header.version) I(' Sections: %i', f_header.sections) I('')
[docs]def show_sections(options, f): I = get_logger().info I('=== Sections ===') I('') table = [ ['Index', 'Name', 'Type', 'Flags', 'Base', 'Data size', 'Data range', 'File offset', 'File size', 'File range'] ] sections = sorted(list(f.sections), key = lambda x: getattr(x.header, options.sort_sections)) for section in sections: header = section.header flags = SectionFlags.from_encoding(header.flags) table.append([ header.index, f.string_table.get_string(, SECTION_TYPES[header.type], '%s (%s)' % (flags.to_string(), UINT16_FMT(flags.to_int())), UINT32_FMT(header.base), UINT32_FMT(header.data_size), '%s - %s' % (UINT32_FMT(header.base), UINT32_FMT(header.base + header.data_size)), SIZE_FMT(header.offset), SIZE_FMT(header.file_size), '%s - %s' % (SIZE_FMT(header.offset), SIZE_FMT(header.offset + header.file_size)), ]) get_logger().table(table) I('')
[docs]def show_disassemble(f): logger, I = get_logger(), get_logger().info I('=== Disassemble ==') I('') instruction_set = DuckyInstructionSet symbols = defaultdict(list) for section in f.sections: if section.header.type != SectionTypes.SYMBOLS: continue for entry in section.payload: symbol_section = f.get_section_by_index(entry.section) if symbol_section.header.type != SectionTypes.PROGBITS: continue if symbol_section.header.flags.executable != 1: continue symbols[].append((entry.address, f.string_table.get_string( for symbols_list in itervalues(symbols): symbols_list.sort(key = lambda x: x[0]) symbols_maps = {} for section_name, symbols_list in iteritems(symbols): symbol_map = symbols_maps[section_name] = {} symbol_count = len(symbols_list) for i in range(0, symbol_count): symbol_addr, symbol_name = symbols_list[i] if i == symbol_count - 1: limit_addr = symbol_addr + f.get_section_by_name(section_name).header.data_size else: limit_addr, _ = symbols_list[i + 1] for addr in range(symbol_addr, limit_addr, 4): symbol_map[addr] = symbol_name ctx = EncodingContext(logger) for section in f.sections: if section.header.type != SectionTypes.PROGBITS: continue if section.header.flags.executable != 1: continue I(' Section %s', table = [ ['', '', '', ''] ] symbols_map = symbols_maps[] csp = section.header.base payload = section.payload for i in range(0, len(payload), WORD_SIZE): raw_inst = payload[i] | (payload[i + 1] << 8) | (payload[i + 2] << 16) | (payload[i + 3] << 24) symbol_name = symbols_map[csp] inst, desc, opcode = ctx.decode(instruction_set, raw_inst) table.append([UINT32_FMT(csp), UINT32_FMT(raw_inst), instruction_set.disassemble_instruction(get_logger(), raw_inst), symbol_name]) if opcode == DuckyInstructionSet.opcodes.SIS: instruction_set = get_instruction_set(inst.immediate) csp += 4 get_logger().table(table) I('')
[docs]def show_reloc(f): I = get_logger().info I('=== Reloc entries ===') I('') table = [ ['Name', 'Flags', 'Patch section', 'Patch address', 'Patch offset', 'Patch size', 'Addition'] ] for section in f.sections: if section.header.type != SectionTypes.RELOC: continue for entry in section.payload: patch_section = f.get_section_by_index(entry.patch_section) table.append([ f.string_table.get_string(, RelocFlags.from_encoding(entry.flags).to_string(),, UINT32_FMT(entry.patch_address), entry.patch_offset, entry.patch_size, entry.patch_add ]) get_logger().table(table) I('')
[docs]def show_symbols(options, f): I = get_logger().info def to_ascii(buff): ret = ['' for _ in range(0, len(buff))] for i in range(0, len(buff)): c = buff[i] ret[i] = chr(c) if 32 <= c <= 126 else (r'\%02x' % c) return ret I('=== Symbols ===') I('') table = [ ['Name', 'Section', 'Flags', 'Address', 'Type', 'Size', 'File', 'Content'] ] symbols = [] for section in f.sections: if section.header.type != SectionTypes.SYMBOLS: continue for entry in section.payload: symbol_section = f.get_section_by_index(entry.section) symbols.append((entry, f.string_table.get_string(, symbol_section)) sort_key = lambda x: x[1] if options.sort_symbols == 'address': sort_key = lambda x: x[0].address symbols = sorted(symbols, key = sort_key) for entry, name, section in symbols: table_row = [ name,, SymbolFlags.from_encoding(entry.flags).to_string(), UINT32_FMT(entry.address), '%s (%i)' % (SYMBOL_DATA_TYPES[entry.type], entry.type), SIZE_FMT(entry.size), '%s:%d' % (f.string_table.get_string(entry.filename), entry.lineno) ] symbol_content = '' if section.header.flags.bss == 1: pass else: if entry.type == SymbolDataTypes.INT: def __get(i): return section.payload[entry.address - section.header.base + i] << (8 * i) symbol_content = UINT32_FMT(__get(0) | __get(1) | __get(2) | __get(3)) elif entry.type == SymbolDataTypes.SHORT: def __get(i): return section.payload[entry.address - section.header.base + i] << (8 * i) symbol_content = UINT16_FMT(__get(0) | __get(1)) elif entry.type in (SymbolDataTypes.BYTE, SymbolDataTypes.CHAR): symbol_content = UINT8_FMT(section.payload[entry.address - section.header.base]) elif entry.type == SymbolDataTypes.ASCII: symbol_content = ''.join(to_ascii(section.payload[entry.address - section.header.base:entry.address - section.header.base + entry.size])) elif entry.type == SymbolDataTypes.STRING: symbol_content = ''.join(to_ascii(section.payload[entry.address - section.header.base:entry.address - section.header.base + entry.size])) if entry.type == SymbolDataTypes.ASCII or entry.type == SymbolDataTypes.STRING: if options.full_strings is not True and len(symbol_content) > 20: symbol_content = symbol_content[0:17] + '...' table_row.append(symbol_content) table.append(table_row) for line in tabulate.tabulate(table, headers = 'firstrow', tablefmt = 'simple', numalign = 'right').split('\n'): I(line) I('')
[docs]def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() add_common_options(parser) parser.add_option('-i', dest = 'file_in', action = 'append', default = [], help = 'File to inspect') parser.add_option('-H', dest = 'header', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'Show file header') parser.add_option('-D', dest = 'disassemble', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'Disassemble TEXT sections') parser.add_option('-s', dest = 'symbols', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'List symbols') parser.add_option('-r', dest = 'reloc', default = False, action ='store_true', help = 'List reloc entries') parser.add_option('-S', dest = 'sections', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'List sections') parser.add_option('-a', dest = 'all', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'All of above') group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Sorting options') parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option('--sort-sections', dest = 'sort_sections', default = 'index', action = 'store', type = 'choice', choices = ['index', 'base']) group.add_option('--sort-symbols', dest = 'sort_symbols', default = 'name', action = 'store', type = 'choice', choices = ['name', 'address']) group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Display options') parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option('--full-strings', dest = 'full_strings', default = False, action = 'store_true') options, logger = parse_options(parser) if not options.file_in: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if options.all: options.header = options.disassemble = options.symbols = options.sections = options.reloc = True for file_in in options.file_in:'Input file: %s', file_in) with, file_in, 'r') as f_in:'') if options.header: show_file_header(f_in) if options.sections: show_sections(options, f_in) if options.symbols: show_symbols(options, f_in) if options.reloc: show_reloc(f_in) if options.disassemble: show_disassemble(f_in)