Source code for ducky.util

import collections
import functools
import string

from six import iteritems, integer_types, PY2

from ctypes import sizeof

[docs]def align(boundary, n): return (n + boundary - 1) & ~(boundary - 1)
[docs]def str2int(s): if isinstance(s, integer_types): return s if s.startswith('0x'): return int(s, base = 16) if s.startswith('0'): return int(s, base = 8) return int(s)
[docs]def sizeof_fmt(n, suffix = 'B', max_unit = 'Zi'): for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']: if abs(n) < 1024.0 or max_unit == unit: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (n, unit, suffix) n /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (n, 'Yi', suffix)
[docs]class Formatter(string.Formatter):
[docs] def format_field(self, value, format_spec): if format_spec and format_spec[-1] in 'BSWL': return self.format_int(format_spec, value) return super(Formatter, self).format_field(value, format_spec)
[docs] def format_int(self, format_spec, value): i = value if isinstance(value, integer_types) else value.value if format_spec.endswith('B'): return '0x{:02X}'.format(i & 0xFF) if format_spec.endswith('S'): return '0x{:04X}'.format(i & 0xFFFF) if format_spec.endswith('W'): return '0x{:08X}'.format(i & 0xFFFFFFFF) if format_spec.endswith('L'): return '0x{:016X}'.format(i & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) return '{:d}'.format(i)
_F = Formatter() F = _F.format UINT8_FMT = functools.partial(_F.format_int, 'B') UINT16_FMT = functools.partial(_F.format_int, 'S') UINT32_FMT = functools.partial(_F.format_int, 'W') UINT64_FMT = functools.partial(_F.format_int, 'L') if PY2: _BaseFile = file # noqa bytes2str = str str2bytes = str int2bytes = chr else: from io import IOBase as _BaseFile import functools bytes2str = functools.partial(str, encoding = 'latin-1') str2bytes = functools.partial(bytes, encoding = 'latin-1') def int2bytes(b): return bytes([b])
[docs]def isfile(o): return isinstance(o, (_BaseFile, BinaryFile))
[docs]class BinaryFile(object): """ Base class of all classes that represent "binary" files - binaries, core dumps. It provides basic methods for reading and writing structures. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def do_open(logger, path, mode = 'rb', klass = None): if 'b' not in mode: mode += 'b' stream = open(path, mode) if not PY2: import io if 'r' in mode: if 'w' in mode: stream = io.BufferedRandom(stream) else: stream = io.BufferedReader(stream) else: stream = io.BufferedWriter(stream) klass = klass or BinaryFile return klass(logger, stream)
[docs] def open(*args, **kwargs): return BinaryFile.do_open(*args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, logger, stream): = stream self.DEBUG = logger.debug self.INFO = self.WARN = logger.warning self.ERROR = logger.error self.EXCEPTION = logger.exception self.close = stream.close self.flush = stream.flush = = self.readinto = stream.readinto self.readline = stream.readline = self.tell = stream.tell self.write = stream.write self.mode = stream.mode self.setup() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.close()
[docs] def setup(self): pass
[docs] def read_struct(self, st_class): """ Read structure from current position in file. :returns: instance of class ``st_class`` with content read from file :rtype: ``st_class`` """ pos = self.tell() st = st_class() self.readinto(st) self.DEBUG('read_struct: %s: %s bytes: %s', pos, sizeof(st_class), st) return st
[docs] def write_struct(self, st): """ Write structure into file at the current position. :param class st: ``ctype``-based structure """ pos = self.tell() self.DEBUG('write_struct: %s: %s bytes: %s', pos, sizeof(st), st) self.write(st)
[docs]class StringTable(object): """ Simple string table, used by many classes operating with files (core, binaries, ...). String can be inserted into table and read, each has its starting offset and its end is marked with null byte (\0). Thsi is a helper class - it makes working with string, e.g. section and symbol names, much easier. """ def __init__(self, buff = None): super(StringTable, self).__init__() self.buff = buff if buff is not None else '' @property def buff(self): """ Serialize internal string table to a stream of bytes. """ if self._buff is not None: return self._buff self._buff = '' for s, (l, offset) in iteritems(self._string_to_offset): self._buff += l self._buff += s return self._buff @buff.setter def buff(self, buff): self._string_to_offset = collections.OrderedDict() self._offset_to_string = {} buff_len = len(buff) offset = 0 while offset < buff_len: l = ord(buff[offset]) s = buff[offset + 1:offset + 1 + l] self._string_to_offset[s] = (chr(l), offset) self._offset_to_string[offset] = s offset += 1 + l self._buff = buff self._offset = offset
[docs] def put_string(self, s): """ Insert new string into table. String is appended at the end of internal buffer. :returns: offset of inserted string :rtype: ``int`` """ if s not in self._string_to_offset: l = len(s) self._string_to_offset[s] = (chr(l), self._offset) self._offset_to_string[self._offset] = s self._offset += 1 + l self._buff = None return self._string_to_offset[s][1]
[docs] def get_string(self, offset): """ Read string from table. :param int offset: offset of the first character from the beginning of the table :returns: string :rtype: ``string`` """ return self._offset_to_string[offset]
[docs]class SymbolTable(dict): def __init__(self, binary): self.binary = binary def __getitem__(self, address): last_symbol = None last_symbol_offset = 0xFFFE for symbol_name, symbol in iteritems(self.binary.symbols): if symbol.address > address: continue if symbol.address == address: return (symbol_name, 0) offset = abs(address - symbol.address) if offset < last_symbol_offset: last_symbol = symbol_name last_symbol_offset = offset return (last_symbol, last_symbol_offset)
[docs] def get_symbol(self, name): return self.binary.symbols[name]
[docs]class Flags(object): _flags = [] _labels = '' _encoding = [] # silence Codacy warning - _encoding will have a real value @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, **kwargs): flags = cls() for name in cls._flags: setattr(flags, name, True if kwargs.get(name, False) is True else False) return flags
[docs] def encoding(cls): return cls._encoding
[docs] def from_encoding(cls, encoding): flags = cls() flags.load_encoding(encoding) return flags
[docs] def to_encoding(self): encoding = self._encoding() self.save_encoding(encoding) return encoding
[docs] def load_encoding(self, encoding): for name in [field[0] for field in encoding._fields_]: setattr(self, name, True if getattr(encoding, name) == 1 else False)
[docs] def save_encoding(self, encoding): for name in [field[0] for field in encoding._fields_]: setattr(encoding, name, 1 if getattr(self, name) is True else 0)
[docs] def to_int(self): u = 0 for i, name in enumerate(self._flags): if getattr(self, name) is True: u |= (1 << i) return u
[docs] def load_int(self, u): for i, name in enumerate(self._flags): setattr(self, name, True if u & (1 << i) else False)
[docs] def from_int(cls, u): flags = cls() flags.load_int(u) return flags
[docs] def to_string(self): return ''.join([ self._labels[i] if getattr(self, name) is True else '-' for i, name in enumerate(self._flags) ])
[docs] def load_string(self, s): s = s.upper() for i, name in enumerate(self._flags): setattr(self, name, True if self._labels[i] in s else False)
[docs] def from_string(cls, s): flags = cls() flags.load_string(s) return flags
def __repr__(self): return '<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.to_string())
[docs]class LoggingCapable(object): def __init__(self, logger, *args, **kwargs): super(LoggingCapable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._logger = logger self.DEBUG = logger.debug self.INFO = self.WARN = logger.warn self.ERROR = logger.error self.EXCEPTION = logger.exception