Source code for ducky.cpu.instructions

import ctypes
import enum
import re
import sys

from six import integer_types, string_types, add_metaclass
from six.moves import range
from functools import partial

from .registers import Registers, REGISTER_NAMES
from import u32_t, i32_t, UINT16_FMT, UINT32_FMT
from ..util import str2int
from ..errors import EncodingLargeValueError, UnalignedJumpTargetError, AccessViolationError, AssemblerError

PO_REGISTER  = r'(?P<register_n{operand_index}>(?:r\d\d?)|(?:sp)|(?:fp))'
PO_AREGISTER = r'(?P<address_register>r\d\d?|sp|fp)(?:\[(?:(?P<offset_sign>-|\+)?(?P<offset_immediate>0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\d+))\])?'
PO_IMMEDIATE = r'(?:(?P<immediate>(?:-|\+)?(?:0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\d+))|(?P<immediate_address>&[a-zA-Z_\.][a-zA-Z0-9_]*))'

[docs]def UINT20_FMT(i): return '0x%05X' % (i & 0xFFFFF)
[docs]def encoding_to_u32(inst): return ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(inst), ctypes.POINTER(u32_t)).contents.value
if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'): def u32_to_encoding(u, encoding): class _Cast(ctypes.Union): _pack_ = 0 _fields_ = [ ('overall', u32_t), ('encoding', encoding) ] caster = _Cast() caster.overall = u32_t(u).value return caster.encoding else:
[docs] def u32_to_encoding(u, encoding): u = u32_t(u) e = encoding() ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(e), ctypes.POINTER(encoding))[0] = ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(u), ctypes.POINTER(encoding)).contents return e
[docs]def IE_OPCODE(): return ('opcode', u32_t, 6)
[docs]def IE_FLAG(n): return (n, u32_t, 1)
[docs]def IE_REG(n): return (n, u32_t, 5)
[docs]def IE_IMM(n, l): return (n, u32_t, l)
[docs]class Encoding(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): @staticmethod
[docs] def sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst, sign_mask, ext_mask): logger.debug('sign_extend_immediate: inst=%s, sign_mask=%s, ext_mask=%s', inst, UINT32_FMT(sign_mask), UINT32_FMT(ext_mask)) if __debug__: u = u32_t(ext_mask | inst.immediate) if inst.immediate & sign_mask else u32_t(inst.immediate) logger.debug(' result=%s', UINT32_FMT(u)) return u.value else: i = inst.immediate return ((ext_mask | i) & 0xFFFFFFFF) if i & sign_mask else i return u32_t(ext_mask | inst.immediate).value if inst.immediate & sign_mask else u32_t(inst.immediate).value
[docs]class EncodingR(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _pack_ = 0 _fields_ = [ IE_OPCODE(), # 0 IE_REG('reg1'), # 6 IE_REG('reg2'), # 11 IE_FLAG('immediate_flag'), # 16 IE_IMM('immediate', 15), # 17 ] @staticmethod
[docs] def fill_reloc_slot(logger, inst, slot): logger.debug('fill_reloc_slot: inst=%s, slot=%s', inst, slot) slot.patch_offset = 17 slot.patch_size = 15
[docs] def sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst): return Encoding.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst, 0x4000, 0xFFFF8000)
def __repr__(self): return '<EncodingR: opcode=%s, reg1=%s, reg2=%s, immediate_flag=%s, immediate=%s>' % (self.opcode, self.reg1, self.reg2, self.immediate_flag, UINT16_FMT(self.immediate))
[docs]class EncodingC(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _pack_ = 0 _fields_ = [ IE_OPCODE(), # 0 IE_REG('reg'), # 6 IE_IMM('flag', 3), # 11 IE_FLAG('value'), # 14 IE_FLAG('immediate_flag'), # 15 IE_IMM('immediate', 16) # 16 ] @staticmethod
[docs] def fill_reloc_slot(logger, inst, slot): logger.debug('fill_reloc_slot: inst=%s, slot=%s', inst, slot) slot.patch_offset = 16 slot.patch_size = 16
[docs] def sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst): return Encoding.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst, 0x8000, 0xFFFF0000)
def __repr__(self): return '<EncodingC: opcode=%s, reg=%s, flag=%s, value=%s, immediate_flag=%s, immediate=%s>' % (self.opcode, self.reg, self.flag, self.value, self.immediate_flag, UINT16_FMT(self.immediate))
[docs]class EncodingI(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _pack_ = 0 _fields_ = [ IE_OPCODE(), # 0 IE_REG('reg'), # 6 IE_FLAG('immediate_flag'), # 11 IE_IMM('immediate', 20), # 12 ] @staticmethod
[docs] def fill_reloc_slot(logger, inst, slot): logger.debug('fill_reloc_slot: inst=%s, slot=%s', inst, slot) slot.patch_offset = 12 slot.patch_size = 20
[docs] def sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst): return Encoding.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst, 0x80000, 0xFFF00000)
def __repr__(self): return '<EncodingI: opcode=%s, reg=%s, immediate_flag=%s, immediate=%s>' % (self.opcode, self.reg, self.immediate_flag, UINT20_FMT(self.immediate))
[docs]class EncodingA(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _pack_ = 0 _fields_ = [ IE_OPCODE(), # 0 IE_REG('reg1'), # 6 IE_REG('reg2'), # 11 IE_REG('reg3') # 16 ] def __repr__(self): return '<EncodingA: opcode=%s, reg1=%s, reg2=%s, reg3=%s>' % (self.opcode, self.reg1, self.reg2, self.reg3)
[docs]def ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, field, size, value, raise_on_large_value = False): logger.debug('ENCODE: inst=%s, field=%s, size=%s, value=%s, raise_on_large_value=%s', inst, field, size, value, raise_on_large_value) setattr(inst, field, value) logger.debug('ENCODE: inst=%s', inst) if value >= 2 ** size: e = buffer.get_error(EncodingLargeValueError, 'inst=%s, field=%s, size=%s, value=%s' % (inst, field, size, UINT32_FMT(value))) if raise_on_large_value is True: raise e e.log(logger.warn)
[docs]class Descriptor(object): mnemonic = None opcode = None operands = None # this is a default encoding, and by the way it silents Codacy's warning encoding = EncodingR pattern = None relative_address = False inst_aligned = False def __init__(self, instruction_set): super(Descriptor, self).__init__() self.instruction_set = instruction_set pattern = r'\s*' + self.mnemonic if self.operands: operand_patterns = [] self.operands = [ot.strip() for ot in self.operands.split(',')] for operand_index, operand_types in zip(list(range(0, len(self.operands))), self.operands): operand_pattern = [] for operand_type in operand_types: if operand_type == 'r': operand_pattern.append(PO_REGISTER.format(operand_index = operand_index)) elif operand_type == 'a': operand_pattern.append(PO_AREGISTER) elif operand_type == 'i': operand_pattern.append(PO_IMMEDIATE) else: raise Exception('Unhandled operand type: {}'.format(operand_type)) operand_patterns.append('(?:' + '|'.join(operand_pattern) + ')') pattern += r' ' + r',\s*'.join(operand_patterns) pattern = r'^' + pattern + '(?:\s*[;#].*)?$' self.pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE) self.instruction_set.instructions.append(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def jit(core, inst): return None
[docs] def execute(core, inst): raise NotImplementedError('%s does not implement execute method' % inst.opcode)
[docs] def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): pass
[docs] def fill_reloc_slot(logger, inst, slot): inst.fill_reloc_slot(logger, inst, slot)
[docs] def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): return []
[docs] def disassemble_mnemonic(cls, inst): return cls.mnemonic
[docs] def emit_instruction(self, logger, buffer, line): DEBUG = logger.debug DEBUG('emit_instruction: input line: %s', line) binst = self.encoding() DEBUG('emit_instruction: encoding=%s', self.encoding.__name__) DEBUG('emit_instruction: desc is %s', self) binst.opcode = self.opcode raw_match = self.pattern.match(line) matches = raw_match.groupdict() DEBUG('emit_instruction: matches=%s', matches) operands = {} def str2reg(r): if r == 'sp': return Registers.SP if r == 'fp': return Registers.FP return Registers(int(r[1:])) if self.operands and len(self.operands): for operand_index in range(0, len(self.operands)): reg_group_name = 'register_n{}'.format(operand_index) if reg_group_name in matches and matches[reg_group_name]: operands[reg_group_name] = str2reg(matches[reg_group_name]) elif 'address_register' in matches and matches['address_register']: operands['areg'] = str2reg(matches['address_register']) if 'pointer' in matches and matches['pointer'] is not None: if matches['pointer'] == '[': operands['pointer'] = 'offset' elif matches['pointer'] == '(': operands['pointer'] = 'segment' else: raise Exception('Unhandled pointer type: {}'.format(matches)) if 'offset_register' in matches and matches['offset_register'] is not None: operands['offset_register'] = str2reg(matches['offset_register']) elif 'offset_immediate' in matches and matches['offset_immediate'] is not None: k = -1 if 'offset_sign' in matches and matches['offset_sign'] and matches['offset_sign'].strip() == '-' else 1 operands['offset_immediate'] = k * str2int(matches['offset_immediate']) elif 'immediate' in matches and matches['immediate']: operands['immediate'] = str2int(matches['immediate']) elif 'immediate_address' in matches and matches['immediate_address'] is not None: operands['immediate'] = matches['immediate_address'] else: raise Exception('Unhandled operand: {}'.format(matches)) else: pass try: self.assemble_operands(logger, buffer, binst, operands) except AssemblerError as e: e.location = buffer.location.copy() raise e return binst
[docs]class Descriptor_R(Descriptor): operands = 'r' encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod
[docs] def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg1', 5, operands['register_n0'])
[docs] def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1]]
[docs]class Descriptor_I(Descriptor): operands = 'i' @staticmethod
[docs] def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): from .assemble import Reference logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) v = operands['immediate'] if isinstance(v, integer_types): inst.immediate = v elif isinstance(v, string_types): inst.refers_to = Reference(label = v)
[docs] def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): return [str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT16_FMT(inst.immediate)]
[docs]class Descriptor_RI(Descriptor): operands = 'ri' encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): from .assemble import Reference logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) if 'register_n0' in operands: ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg', 5, operands['register_n0']) else: v = operands['immediate'] ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1) if isinstance(v, integer_types): ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate', 20, v) elif isinstance(v, string_types): inst.refers_to = Reference(label = v)
[docs] def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 0: return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg]] return [str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT32_FMT(inst.immediate)]
[docs]class Descriptor_R_I(Descriptor): operands = 'r,i' encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): from .assemble import Reference logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg', 5, operands['register_n0']) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1) v = operands['immediate'] if isinstance(v, integer_types): ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate', 20, v) elif isinstance(v, string_types): inst.refers_to = Reference(label = v)
[docs] def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg], str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT20_FMT(inst.immediate)]
[docs]class Descriptor_R_RI(Descriptor): operands = 'r,ri' encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod
[docs] def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): from .assemble import Reference logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg1', 5, operands['register_n0']) if 'register_n1' in operands: ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg2', 5, operands['register_n1']) else: ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1) v = operands['immediate'] if isinstance(v, integer_types): ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate', 15, v) elif isinstance(v, string_types): inst.refers_to = Reference(label = v)
[docs] def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 0: return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2]] return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT16_FMT(inst.immediate)]
[docs]class Descriptor_R_R(Descriptor): operands = 'r,r' encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod
[docs] def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg1', 5, operands['register_n0']) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg2', 5, operands['register_n1'])
[docs] def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2]]
[docs]class Descriptor_RI_R(Descriptor): operands = 'ri,r' encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod
[docs] def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): from .assemble import Reference logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg2', 5, operands['register_n1']) if 'register_n0' in operands: ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg1', 5, operands['register_n0']) else: ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1) v = operands['immediate'] if isinstance(v, integer_types): ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate', 15, v) elif isinstance(v, string_types): inst.refers_to = Reference(label = v)
[docs] def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 0: return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2]] return [str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT16_FMT(inst.immediate), REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2]]
[docs]class InstructionSetMetaclass(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict): cls.instructions = []
[docs]class InstructionSet(object): instruction_set_id = None opcodes = None @classmethod
[docs] def init(cls): if hasattr(cls, 'opcode_desc_map'): return cls.opcode_desc_map = {} cls.opcode_encoding_map = {} for desc in cls.instructions: cls.opcode_desc_map[desc.opcode] = desc cls.opcode_encoding_map[desc.opcode] = desc.encoding
[docs] def decode_instruction(cls, logger, inst, core = None): logger.debug('%s.decode_instruction: inst=%s, core=%s', cls.__name__, inst, core) opcode = inst & 0x3F if opcode not in cls.opcode_desc_map: from ..cpu import InvalidOpcodeError raise InvalidOpcodeError(opcode, ip = core.current_ip if core is not None else None, core = core) return u32_to_encoding(inst, cls.opcode_encoding_map[opcode]), cls.opcode_desc_map[opcode], opcode
[docs] def disassemble_instruction(cls, logger, inst): logger.debug('%s.disassemble_instruction: inst=%s (%s)', cls.__name__, inst, inst.__class__.__name__) if isinstance(inst, ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): inst, desc = inst, cls.opcode_desc_map[inst.opcode] else: inst, desc, _ = cls.decode_instruction(logger, inst) mnemonic = desc.disassemble_mnemonic(inst) operands = desc.disassemble_operands(logger, inst) return (mnemonic + ' ' + ', '.join(operands)) if operands else mnemonic
# # Main instruction set #
[docs]def RI_VAL(core, inst, reg, sign_extend = True): if inst.immediate_flag == 1: if sign_extend is True: return inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) return u32_t(0x00000000 | inst.immediate).value return[getattr(inst, reg)].value
[docs]def RI_ADDR(core, inst, reg): core.DEBUG('RI_ADDR: inst=%s, reg=%s', inst, reg) base =[reg].value offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if inst.immediate_flag == 1 else 0 return u32_t(base + offset).value
[docs]def JUMP(core, inst): core.DEBUG('JUMP: inst=%s', inst) core.DEBUG(' IP=%s', UINT32_FMT(core.registers.ip.value)) if inst.immediate_flag == 0: core.DEBUG(' register=%d, value=%s', inst.reg, UINT32_FMT([inst.reg].value)) core.registers.ip.value =[inst.reg].value else: v = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) nip = u32_t(core.registers.ip.value) nip.value += (v << 2) core.DEBUG(' offset=%s, aligned=%s, ip=%s, new=%s', UINT32_FMT(v), UINT32_FMT(v << 2), UINT32_FMT(core.registers.ip.value), UINT32_FMT(nip.value)) core.registers.ip.value = nip.value core.DEBUG('JUMP: new ip=%s', UINT32_FMT(core.registers.ip.value))
[docs]def update_arith_flags(core, reg): """ Set relevant arithmetic flags according to content of registers. Flags are set to zero at the beginning, then content of each register is examined, and ``S`` and ``Z`` flags are set. ``E`` flag is not touched, ``O`` flag is set to zero. :param u32_t reg: register """ core.arith_zero = False core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False if reg.value == 0: core.arith_zero = True if reg.value & 0x80000000 != 0: core.arith_sign = True
[docs]class DuckyOpcodes(enum.IntEnum): NOP = 0 # Memory load/store LW = 1 LS = 2 LB = 3 STW = 4 STS = 5 STB = 6 CAS = 7 LA = 8 LI = 9 LIU = 10 MOV = 11 SWP = 12 INT = 13 RETINT = 14 CALL = 15 RET = 16 CLI = 17 STI = 18 RST = 19 HLT = 20 IDLE = 21 LPM = 22 IPI = 23 PUSH = 24 POP = 25 INC = 26 DEC = 27 ADD = 28 SUB = 29 MUL = 30 DIV = 31 UDIV = 32 MOD = 33 AND = 34 OR = 35 XOR = 36 NOT = 37 SHIFTL = 38 SHIFTR = 39 OUTW = 40 OUTS = 41 OUTB = 42 INW = 43 INS = 44 INB = 45 # Branch instructions J = 46 # Condition instructions CMP = 47 CMPU = 48 SET = 49 BRANCH = 50 # Control instructions CTR = 60 CTW = 61 FPTC = 62 SIS = 63
[docs]class NOP(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'nop' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.NOP encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): pass
# # Interrupts #
[docs]class INT(Descriptor_RI): mnemonic = 'int' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.INT @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.do_int(RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg'))
[docs]class IPI(Descriptor_R_RI): mnemonic = 'ipi' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.IPI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.check_protected_ins() cpuid =[inst.reg1].value cpuid, coreid = cpuid >> 16, cpuid & 0xFFFF core.cpu.machine.cpus[cpuid].cores[coreid].irq(RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2'))
[docs]class RETINT(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'retint' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.RETINT encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.check_protected_ins() core.exit_interrupt()
# # Jumps # class _JUMP(Descriptor): operands = 'ri' encoding = EncodingI relative_address = True inst_aligned = True @staticmethod def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): from .assemble import Reference logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) if 'register_n0' in operands: ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg', 5, operands['register_n0']) else: v = operands['immediate'] ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1) if isinstance(v, integer_types): if v & 0x3 != 0: raise buffer.get_error(UnalignedJumpTargetError, 'address=%s' % UINT32_FMT(v)) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate', 20, v >> 2) elif isinstance(v, string_types): inst.refers_to = Reference(label = v) @staticmethod def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 0: return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg]] return [str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT32_FMT(inst.immediate << 2)]
[docs]class CALL(_JUMP): mnemonic = 'call' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CALL @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.create_frame() JUMP(core, inst) if core.check_frames: core.frames[-1].IP = core.registers.ip.value
[docs] def jit(core, inst): ip = core.registers.ip sp = core.registers.sp fp = core.registers.fp push = core.raw_push if inst.immediate_flag == 0: reg =[inst.reg] def __jit_call(): push(ip.value) push(fp.value) fp.value = sp.value ip.value = reg.value return __jit_call else: i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) << 2 def __jit_call(): push(ip.value) push(fp.value) fp.value = sp.value ip.value += i return __jit_call
[docs]class J(_JUMP): mnemonic = 'j' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.J @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): JUMP(core, inst)
[docs] def jit(core, inst): ip = core.registers.ip if inst.immediate_flag == 0: reg =[inst.reg] def __jit_j(): ip.value = reg.value return __jit_j else: i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) << 2 def __jit_j(): ip.value += i return __jit_j
[docs]class RET(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'ret' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.RET encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.destroy_frame()
[docs] def jit(core, inst): ip = core.registers.ip fp = core.registers.fp pop = core.raw_pop def __jit_ret(): fp.value = pop() ip.value = pop() return __jit_ret
# # CPU #
[docs]class LPM(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'lpm' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LPM encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.check_protected_ins() core.privileged = False
[docs]class CLI(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'cli' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CLI encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.check_protected_ins() core.hwint_allowed = False
[docs]class STI(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'sti' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.STI encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.check_protected_ins() core.hwint_allowed = True
[docs]class HLT(Descriptor_RI): mnemonic = 'hlt' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.HLT @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.check_protected_ins() core.exit_code = RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg') core.halt()
[docs]class RST(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'rst' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.RST encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.check_protected_ins() core.reset()
[docs]class IDLE(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'idle' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.IDLE encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.change_runnable_state(idle = True)
[docs]class SIS(Descriptor_RI): mnemonic = 'sis' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SIS @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.instruction_set = get_instruction_set(RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg'))
# # Stack #
[docs]class PUSH(Descriptor_RI): mnemonic = 'push' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.PUSH @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.raw_push(RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg'))
[docs] def jit(core, inst): push = core.raw_push if inst.immediate_flag == 0: reg =[inst.reg] def __jit_push(): push(reg.value) return __jit_push else: i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) def __jit_push(): push(i) return __jit_push
[docs]class POP(Descriptor_R): mnemonic = 'pop' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.POP @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.pop(inst.reg1) update_arith_flags(core,[inst.reg1])
[docs] def jit(core, inst): pop = core.raw_pop reg =[inst.reg1] def __jit_pop(): reg.value = v = pop() core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_pop
# # Arithmetic #
[docs]class INC(Descriptor_R): mnemonic = 'inc' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.INC @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst):[inst.reg1].value += 1 update_arith_flags(core,[inst.reg1]) core.arith_overflow =[inst.reg1].value == 0
[docs] def jit(core, inst): reg =[inst.reg1] def __jit_inc(): old, new = reg.value, reg.value + 1 reg.value = new if old == 0: core.arith_zero = core.arith_overflow = core.arith_sign = False elif old == 0xFFFFFFFF: core.arith_zero = core.arith_overflow = True core.arith_sign = False else: core.arith_zero = False core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (new & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_inc
[docs]class DEC(Descriptor_R): mnemonic = 'dec' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.DEC @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst):[inst.reg1].value -= 1 update_arith_flags(core,[inst.reg1])
[docs] def jit(core, inst): reg =[inst.reg1] def __jit_dec(): old, new = reg.value, reg.value - 1 reg.value = new if old == 0: core.arith_zero = core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = True elif old == 1: core.arith_zero = True core.arith_overflow = core.arith_sign = False else: core.arith_zero = core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (new & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_dec
class _BINOP(Descriptor_R_RI): encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod def execute(core, inst): r =[inst.reg1] v = RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2') if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.ADD: v = r.value + v elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.SUB: v = r.value - v elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.MUL: x = i32_t(r.value).value y = i32_t(v).value v = x * y elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.DIV: x = i32_t(r.value).value y = i32_t(v).value if abs(y) > abs(x): v = 0 else: v = x // y elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.UDIV: x = u32_t(r.value).value y = u32_t(v).value v = x // y elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.MOD: x = i32_t(r.value).value y = i32_t(v).value v = x % y r.value = v update_arith_flags(core, r) if v > 0xFFFFFFFF: core.arith_overflow = True
[docs]class ADD(_BINOP): mnemonic = 'add' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.ADD @staticmethod
[docs] def jit(core, inst): core.DEBUG('JIT: %s', inst) if inst.immediate_flag == 1: reg =[inst.reg1] i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) def __jit_add(): reg.value = v = reg.value + i core.arith_zero = reg.value == 0 core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_add else: reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_add(): reg1.value = v = reg1.value + reg2.value core.arith_zero = reg1.value == 0 core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_add
[docs]class SUB(_BINOP): mnemonic = 'sub' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SUB @staticmethod
[docs] def jit(core, inst): core.DEBUG('JIT: %s', inst) if inst.immediate_flag == 1: reg =[inst.reg1] i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) def __jit_sub(): reg.value = v = reg.value - i core.arith_zero = reg.value == 0 core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_sub else: reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_sub(): reg1.value = v = reg1.value - reg2.value core.arith_zero = reg1.value == 0 core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_sub
[docs]class MUL(_BINOP): mnemonic = 'mul' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.MUL @staticmethod
[docs] def jit(core, inst): core.DEBUG('JIT: %s', inst) if inst.immediate_flag == 1: reg =[inst.reg1] i = i32_t(inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)).value def __jit_mul(): reg.value = v = i32_t(reg.value).value * i core.arith_zero = reg.value == 0 core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_mul else: reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_mul(): reg1.value = v = i32_t(reg1.value).value * i32_t(reg2.value).value core.arith_zero = reg1.value == 0 core.arith_overflow = v > 0xFFFFFFFF core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_mul
[docs]class DIV(_BINOP): mnemonic = 'div' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.DIV
[docs]class UDIV(_BINOP): mnemonic = 'udiv' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.UDIV
[docs]class MOD(_BINOP): mnemonic = 'mod' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.MOD
# # Conditional and unconditional jumps # class _COND(Descriptor): encoding = EncodingC FLAGS = ['arith_equal', 'arith_zero', 'arith_overflow', 'arith_sign', 'l', 'g'] GFLAGS = [0, 1, 2, 3] MNEMONICS = ['e', 'z', 'o', 's', 'g', 'l'] @staticmethod def set_condition(logger, buffer, inst, flag, value): logger.debug('set_condition: flag=%s, value=%s', flag, value) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'flag', 3, _COND.FLAGS.index(flag)) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'value', 1, 1 if value is True else 0) @staticmethod def evaluate(core, inst): # genuine flags if inst.flag in _COND.GFLAGS and inst.value == getattr(core, _COND.FLAGS[inst.flag]): return True # "less than" flag if inst.flag == 4: if inst.value == 1 and core.arith_sign is True and core.arith_equal is not True: return True if inst.value == 0 and (core.arith_sign is not True or core.arith_equal is True): return True # "greater than" flag if inst.flag == 5: if inst.value == 1 and core.arith_sign is not True and core.arith_equal is not True: return True if inst.value == 0 and (core.arith_sign is True or core.arith_equal is True): return True return False class _BRANCH(_COND): operands = 'ri' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.BRANCH relative_address = True inst_aligned = True @classmethod def assemble_operands(cls, logger, buffer, inst, operands): from .assemble import Reference logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) if 'register_n0' in operands: ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg', 5, operands['register_n0']) else: v = operands['immediate'] ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1) if isinstance(v, integer_types): if v & 0x3 != 0: raise buffer.get_error(UnalignedJumpTargetError, 'address=%s' % UINT32_FMT(v)) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate', 16, v >> 2) elif isinstance(v, string_types): inst.refers_to = Reference(label = v) set_condition = partial(_COND.set_condition, logger, buffer, inst) if cls is BE: set_condition('arith_equal', True) elif cls is BNE: set_condition('arith_equal', False) elif cls is BZ: set_condition('arith_zero', True) elif cls is BNZ: set_condition('arith_zero', False) elif cls is BO: set_condition('arith_overflow', True) elif cls is BNO: set_condition('arith_overflow', False) elif cls is BS: set_condition('arith_sign', True) elif cls is BNS: set_condition('arith_sign', False) elif cls is BL: set_condition('l', True) elif cls is BLE: set_condition('g', False) elif cls is BG: set_condition('g', True) elif cls is BGE: set_condition('l', False) @staticmethod def fill_reloc_slot(logger, inst, slot): inst.fill_reloc_slot(logger, inst, slot) slot.flags.inst_aligned = True @staticmethod def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 0: return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg]] return [str(inst.refers_to) if hasattr(inst, 'refers_to') and inst.refers_to is not None else UINT16_FMT(inst.immediate << 2)] @staticmethod def disassemble_mnemonic(inst): if inst.flag in _COND.GFLAGS: return 'b%s%s' % ('n' if inst.value == 0 else '', _COND.MNEMONICS[inst.flag]) else: if inst.flag == _COND.FLAGS.index('l'): return 'bl' if inst.value == 1 else 'bge' elif inst.flag == _COND.FLAGS.index('g'): return 'bg' if inst.value == 1 else 'ble' @staticmethod def execute(core, inst): if _COND.evaluate(core, inst): JUMP(core, inst) @staticmethod def jit(core, inst): core.DEBUG('JIT: %s', inst) if inst.immediate_flag == 1: i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) << 2 else: reg =[inst.reg] ip = core.registers.ip if inst.flag in _COND.GFLAGS: if inst.flag == 0: if inst.value == 0: if inst.immediate_flag == 0: def __branch_ne(): if core.arith_equal is False: ip.value = reg.value return __branch_ne else: def __branch_ne(): if core.arith_equal is False: ip.value += i return __branch_ne else: if inst.immediate_flag == 0: def __branch_e(): if core.arith_equal is True: ip.value = reg.value return __branch_e else: def __branch_e(): if core.arith_equal is True: ip.value += i return __branch_e elif inst.flag == 1: if inst.value == 0: if inst.immediate_flag == 0: def __branch_nz(): if core.arith_zero is False: ip.value = reg.value return __branch_nz else: def __branch_nz(): if core.arith_zero is False: ip.value += i return __branch_nz else: if inst.immediate_flag == 0: def __branch_z(): if core.arith_zero is True: ip.value = reg.value return __branch_z else: def __branch_z(): if core.arith_zero is True: ip.value += i return __branch_z elif inst.flag == 2: if inst.value == 0: if inst.immediate_flag == 0: def __branch_no(): if core.arith_overflow is False: ip.value = reg.value return __branch_no else: def __branch_no(): if core.arith_overflow is False: ip.value += i return __branch_no else: if inst.immediate_flag == 0: def __branch_o(): if core.arith_overflow is True: ip.value = reg.value return __branch_o else: def __branch_o(): if core.arith_overflow is True: ip.value += i return __branch_o elif inst.flag == 3: if inst.value == 0: if inst.immediate_flag == 0: def __branch_ns(): if core.arith_sign is False: ip.value = reg.value return __branch_ns else: def __branch_ns(): if core.arith_sign is False: ip.value += i return __branch_ns else: if inst.immediate_flag == 0: def __branch_s(): if core.arith_sign is True: ip.value = reg.value return __branch_s else: def __branch_s(): if core.arith_sign is True: ip.value += i return __branch_s return None class _SET(_COND): operands = 'r' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SET @classmethod def assemble_operands(cls, logger, buffer, inst, operands): logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg', 5, operands['register_n0']) set_condition = partial(_COND.set_condition, logger, buffer, inst) if cls is SETE: set_condition('arith_equal', True) elif cls is SETNE: set_condition('arith_equal', False) elif cls is SETZ: set_condition('arith_zero', True) elif cls is SETNZ: set_condition('arith_zero', False) elif cls is SETO: set_condition('arith_overflow', True) elif cls is SETNO: set_condition('arith_overflow', False) elif cls is SETS: set_condition('arith_sign', True) elif cls is SETNS: set_condition('arith_sign', False) elif cls is SETL: set_condition('l', True) elif cls is SETLE: set_condition('g', False) elif cls is SETG: set_condition('g', True) elif cls is SETGE: set_condition('l', False) @staticmethod def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): return [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg]] @staticmethod def disassemble_mnemonic(inst): if inst.flag in _COND.GFLAGS: return 'set%s%s' % ('n' if inst.value == 0 else '', _COND.MNEMONICS[inst.flag]) else: return 'set%s%s' % (_COND.MNEMONICS[inst.flag], 'e' if inst.value == 1 else '') @staticmethod def execute(core, inst):[inst.reg].value = 1 if _COND.evaluate(core, inst) is True else 0 update_arith_flags(core,[inst.reg]) class _CMP(Descriptor_R_RI): encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod def evaluate(core, x, y, signed = True): """ Compare two numbers, and update relevant flags. Signed comparison is used unless ``signed`` is ``False``. All arithmetic flags are set to zero before the relevant ones are set. ``O`` flag is reset like the others, therefore caller has to take care of it's setting if it's required to set it. :param u32 x: left hand number :param u32 y: right hand number :param bool signed: use signed, defaults to ``True`` """ core.arith_equal = False core.arith_zero = False core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False if x == y: core.arith_equal = True if x == 0: core.arith_zero = True return if signed: x = i32_t(x).value y = i32_t(y).value if x < y: core.arith_sign = True
[docs]class CMP(_CMP): mnemonic = 'cmp' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CMP @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): _CMP.evaluate(core,[inst.reg1].value, RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2'))
[docs] def jit(core, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 0: reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_cmp(): x = reg1.value y = reg2.value core.arith_overflow = False if x == y: core.arith_equal = True core.arith_zero = x == 0 core.arith_sign = False return core.arith_equal = False core.arith_zero = False core.arith_sign = i32_t(x).value < i32_t(y).value return __jit_cmp else: reg =[inst.reg1] y = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) y_signed = i32_t(y).value def __jit_cmp(): x = reg.value core.arith_overflow = False if x == y: core.arith_equal = True core.arith_zero = x == 0 core.arith_sign = False return core.arith_equal = False core.arith_zero = False core.arith_sign = i32_t(x).value < y_signed return __jit_cmp return None
[docs]class CMPU(_CMP): mnemonic = 'cmpu' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CMPU @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): _CMP.evaluate(core,[inst.reg1].value, RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2', sign_extend = False), signed = False)
[docs]class BE(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'be'
[docs]class BNE(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bne'
[docs]class BNS(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bns'
[docs]class BNZ(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bnz'
[docs]class BS(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bs'
[docs]class BZ(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bz'
[docs]class BO(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bo'
[docs]class BNO(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bno'
[docs]class BG(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bg'
[docs]class BGE(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bge'
[docs]class BL(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'bl'
[docs]class BLE(_BRANCH): mnemonic = 'ble'
[docs]class SETE(_SET): mnemonic = 'sete'
[docs]class SETNE(_SET): mnemonic = 'setne'
[docs]class SETZ(_SET): mnemonic = 'setz'
[docs]class SETNZ(_SET): mnemonic = 'setnz'
[docs]class SETO(_SET): mnemonic = 'seto'
[docs]class SETNO(_SET): mnemonic = 'setno'
[docs]class SETS(_SET): mnemonic = 'sets'
[docs]class SETNS(_SET): mnemonic = 'setns'
[docs]class SETG(_SET): mnemonic = 'setg'
[docs]class SETGE(_SET): mnemonic = 'setge'
[docs]class SETL(_SET): mnemonic = 'setl'
[docs]class SETLE(_SET): mnemonic = 'setle'
# # IO # class _IN(Descriptor_R_RI): encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod def execute(core, inst): port = RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2') core.check_protected_port(port) r =[inst.reg1] dev = core.cpu.machine.ports[port] if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.INB: r.value = dev.read_u8(port) elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.INS: r.value = dev.read_u16(port) else: r.value = dev.read_u32(port) update_arith_flags(core, r) @staticmethod def jit(core, inst): reg =[inst.reg1] if inst.immediate_flag == 1: port = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) dev = core.cpu.machine.ports[port] is_protected = partial(dev.is_port_protected, port) if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.INB: reader = dev.read_u8 def __jit_inb(): if not core.privileged and is_protected(): raise AccessViolationError('Access to port not allowed in unprivileged mode: inst={}, port={}'.format(inst, port)) reg.value = v = reader(port) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = core.arith_sign = False return __jit_inb return None
[docs]class INB(_IN): mnemonic = 'inb' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.INB
[docs]class INS(_IN): mnemonic = 'ins' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.INS
[docs]class INW(_IN): mnemonic = 'inw' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.INW
class _OUT(Descriptor_RI_R): encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod def execute(core, inst): port = RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg1') core.check_protected_port(port) r =[inst.reg2] dev = core.cpu.machine.ports[port] if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.OUTB: dev.write_u8(port, r.value & 0xFF) elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.OUTS: dev.write_u16(port, r.value & 0xFFFF) else: dev.write_u32(port, r.value) @staticmethod def jit(core, inst): reg =[inst.reg2] if inst.immediate_flag == 1: port = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) dev = core.cpu.machine.ports[port] is_protected = partial(dev.is_port_protected, port) if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.OUTB: writer = dev.write_u8 def __jit_outb(): if not core.privileged and is_protected(): raise AccessViolationError('Access to port not allowed in unprivileged mode: inst={}, port={}'.format(inst, port)) writer(port, reg.value & 0xFF) return __jit_outb return None
[docs]class OUTB(_OUT): mnemonic = 'outb' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.OUTB
[docs]class OUTW(_OUT): mnemonic = 'outw' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.OUTW
[docs]class OUTS(_OUT): mnemonic = 'outs' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.OUTS
# # Bit operations # class _BITOP(Descriptor_R_RI): encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod def execute(core, inst): r =[inst.reg1] v = RI_VAL(core, inst, 'reg2') if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.AND: value = r.value & v elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.OR: value = r.value | v elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.XOR: value = r.value ^ v elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.SHIFTL: value = r.value << min(v, 32) elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.SHIFTR: value = r.value >> min(v, 32) r.value = value update_arith_flags(core, r) if value > 0xFFFFFFFF: core.arith_overflow = True
[docs]class AND(_BITOP): mnemonic = 'and' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.AND @staticmethod
[docs] def jit(core, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 1: reg =[inst.reg1] i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) def __jit_and(): reg.value = v = reg.value & i core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_and else: reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_and(): reg1.value = v = reg1.value & reg2.value core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_and
[docs]class OR(_BITOP): mnemonic = 'or' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.OR @staticmethod
[docs] def jit(core, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 1: reg =[inst.reg1] i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) def __jit_or(): reg.value = v = reg.value | i core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_or else: reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_or(): reg1.value = v = reg1.value | reg2.value core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_or
[docs]class XOR(_BITOP): mnemonic = 'xor' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.XOR @staticmethod
[docs] def jit(core, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 1: reg =[inst.reg1] i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) def __jit_xor(): reg.value = v = reg.value ^ i core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_xor else: reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_xor(): reg1.value = v = reg1.value ^ reg2.value core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_xor
[docs]class SHIFTL(_BITOP): mnemonic = 'shiftl' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SHIFTL @staticmethod
[docs] def jit(core, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 1: reg =[inst.reg1] i = min(inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst), 32) if i == 0: def __jit_shiftl(): v = reg.value core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_shiftl elif i == 32: def __jit_shiftl(): v = reg.value << i reg.value = 0 core.arith_zero = True core.arith_overflow = (v & ~0xFFFFFFFF) != 0 core.arith_sign = False return __jit_shiftl else: def __jit_shiftl(): v = reg.value << i reg.value = v core.arith_zero = (v & 0xFFFFFFFF) == 0 core.arith_overflow = (v & ~0xFFFFFFFF) != 0 core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_shiftl else: reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_shiftl(): i = min(reg2.value, 32) if i == 0: v = reg1.value core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 elif i == 32: v = reg1.value << i reg1.value = 0 core.arith_zero = True core.arith_overflow = (v & ~0xFFFFFFFF) != 0 core.arith_sign = False else: v = reg1.value << i reg1.value = v core.arith_zero = (v & 0xFFFFFFFF) == 0 core.arith_overflow = (v & ~0xFFFFFFFF) != 0 core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_shiftl
[docs]class SHIFTR(_BITOP): mnemonic = 'shiftr' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SHIFTR @staticmethod
[docs] def jit(core, inst): if inst.immediate_flag == 1: reg =[inst.reg1] i = min(inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst), 32) if i == 0: def __jit_shiftr(): v = reg.value core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_shiftr elif i == 32: def __jit_shiftr(): reg.value = 0 core.arith_zero = True core.arith_overflow = core.arith_sign = False return __jit_shiftr else: def __jit_shiftr(): reg.value = v = reg.value >> i core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False return __jit_shiftr else: reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_shiftr(): i = min(reg2.value, 32) if i == 0: v = reg1.value core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 elif i == 32: reg1.value = 0 core.arith_zero = True core.arith_overflow = core.arith_sign = False else: reg1.value = v = reg1.value >> i core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False return __jit_shiftr
[docs]class NOT(Descriptor_R): mnemonic = 'not' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.NOT encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): r =[inst.reg1] r.value = ~r.value update_arith_flags(core, r)
# # Memory load/store operations #
[docs]class CAS(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'cas' operands = 'r,r,r' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CAS encoding = EncodingA @staticmethod
[docs] def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg1', 5, operands['register_n0']) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg2', 5, operands['register_n1']) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg3', 5, operands['register_n2'])
[docs] def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): return [ REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2], REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg3] ]
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.arith_equal = False reg1, reg2, reg3 =[inst.reg1],[inst.reg2],[inst.reg3] core.DEBUG('CAS.execute: reg1=%s (%s), reg2=%s (%s), reg3=%s (%s)', inst.reg1, UINT32_FMT(reg1.value), inst.reg2, UINT32_FMT(reg2.value), inst.reg3, UINT32_FMT(reg3.value)) addr =[inst.reg1].value actual_value = core.MEM_IN32(reg1.value) core.DEBUG('CAS.execute: value=%s', UINT32_FMT(actual_value)) if actual_value == reg2.value: core.MEM_OUT32(addr, reg3.value) core.arith_equal = True else: reg2.value = actual_value
class _LOAD(Descriptor): operands = 'r,a' encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg1', 5, operands['register_n0']) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg2', 5, operands['areg']) offset_immediate = operands.get('offset_immediate') if offset_immediate is not None: ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate', 15, int(offset_immediate)) @staticmethod def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): operands = [REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1]] if inst.immediate_flag == 1: operands.append('%s[%s]' % (REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2], inst.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst))) else: operands.append(REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2]) return operands @staticmethod def execute(core, inst): r =[inst.reg1] addr = RI_ADDR(core, inst, inst.reg2) if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LW: r.value = core.MEM_IN32(addr) elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LS: r.value = core.MEM_IN16(addr) else: r.value = core.MEM_IN8(addr) update_arith_flags(core, r) @staticmethod def jit(core, inst): reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LW: reader = core.MEM_IN32 if inst.immediate_flag == 1: offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if offset == 0: def __jit_lw(): reg1.value = v = reader(reg2.value) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_lw else: def __jit_lw(): reg1.value = v = reader((reg2.value + offset) % 4294967296) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_lw else: def __jit_lw(): reg1.value = v = reader(reg2.value) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_lw elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LS: reader = core.MEM_IN16 if inst.immediate_flag == 1: offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if offset == 0: def __jit_ls(): reg1.value = v = reader(reg2.value) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False return __jit_ls else: def __jit_ls(): reg1.value = v = reader((reg2.value + offset) % 4294967296) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False return __jit_ls else: def __jit_ls(): reg1.value = v = reader(reg2.value) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False return __jit_ls elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.LB: reader = core.MEM_IN8 if inst.immediate_flag == 1: offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if offset == 0: def __jit_lb(): reg1.value = v = reader(reg2.value) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False return __jit_lb else: def __jit_lb(): reg1.value = v = reader((reg2.value + offset) % 4294967296) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False return __jit_lb else: def __jit_lb(): reg1.value = v = reader(reg2.value) core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False return __jit_lb return None class _STORE(Descriptor): operands = 'a,r' encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod def assemble_operands(logger, buffer, inst, operands): logger.debug('assemble_operands: inst=%s, operands=%s', inst, operands) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg1', 5, operands['areg']) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'reg2', 5, operands['register_n1']) offset_immediate = operands.get('offset_immediate') if offset_immediate is not None: ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate_flag', 1, 1) ENCODE(logger, buffer, inst, 'immediate', 15, int(offset_immediate)) @staticmethod def disassemble_operands(logger, inst): operands = [] if inst.immediate_flag == 1: operands.append('%s[%s]' % (REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1], inst.sign_extend_immediate(logger, inst))) else: operands.append(REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg1]) operands.append(REGISTER_NAMES[inst.reg2]) return operands @staticmethod def execute(core, inst): addr = RI_ADDR(core, inst, inst.reg1) if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STW: core.MEM_OUT32(addr,[inst.reg2].value) elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STS: core.MEM_OUT16(addr,[inst.reg2].value & 0xFFFF) else: core.MEM_OUT8(addr,[inst.reg2].value & 0xFF) @staticmethod def jit(core, inst): reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] if inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STW: writer = core.MEM_OUT32 if inst.immediate_flag == 1: offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if offset == 0: def __jit_stw(): writer(reg1.value, reg2.value) return __jit_stw else: def __jit_stw(): writer((reg1.value + offset) % 4294967296, reg2.value) return __jit_stw else: def __jit_stw(): writer(reg1.value, reg2.value) return __jit_stw elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STS: writer = core.MEM_OUT16 if inst.immediate_flag == 1: offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if offset == 0: def __jit_sts(): writer(reg1.value, reg2.value) return __jit_sts else: def __jit_sts(): writer((reg1.value + offset) % 4294967296, reg2.value) return __jit_sts else: def __jit_sts(): writer(reg1.value, reg2.value) return __jit_sts elif inst.opcode == DuckyOpcodes.STB: writer = core.MEM_OUT8 if inst.immediate_flag == 1: offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if offset == 0: def __jit_stb(): writer(reg1.value, reg2.value & 0xFF) return __jit_stb else: def __jit_stb(): writer((reg1.value + offset) % 4294967296, reg2.value & 0xFF) return __jit_stb else: def __jit_stb(): writer(reg1.value, reg2.value & 0xFF) return __jit_stb return None class _LOAD_IMM(Descriptor_R_I): @classmethod def load(cls, core, inst): raise NotImplementedError('%s does not implement "load immediate" method' % cls.__name__) @classmethod def execute(cls, core, inst): cls.load(core, inst) update_arith_flags(core,[inst.reg])
[docs]class LW(_LOAD): mnemonic = 'lw' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LW
[docs]class LS(_LOAD): mnemonic = 'ls' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LS
[docs]class LB(_LOAD): mnemonic = 'lb' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LB
[docs]class LI(_LOAD_IMM): mnemonic = 'li' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LI @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, core, inst):[inst.reg].value = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)
[docs] def jit(core, inst): reg =[inst.reg] i = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if i == 0: def __jit_li(): reg.value = 0 core.arith_zero = True core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = False return __jit_li else: sign = (i & 0x80000000) != 0 def __jit_li(): reg.value = i core.arith_zero = False core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = sign return __jit_li
[docs]class LIU(_LOAD_IMM): mnemonic = 'liu' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LIU @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, core, inst): r =[inst.reg] r.value = (r.value & 0xFFFF) | ((inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) & 0xFFFF) << 16)
[docs]class LA(_LOAD_IMM): mnemonic = 'la' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.LA relative_address = True @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, core, inst):[inst.reg].value = core.registers.ip.value + inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst)
[docs] def jit(core, inst): reg =[inst.reg] ip = core.registers.ip offset = inst.sign_extend_immediate(core.LOGGER, inst) if offset == 0: def __jit_la(): reg.value = v = ip.value core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_la else: def __jit_la(): reg.value = v = ip.value + offset core.arith_zero = v == 0 core.arith_overflow = False core.arith_sign = (v & 0x80000000) != 0 return __jit_la
[docs]class STW(_STORE): mnemonic = 'stw' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.STW
[docs]class STS(_STORE): mnemonic = 'sts' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.STS
[docs]class STB(_STORE): mnemonic = 'stb' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.STB
[docs]class MOV(Descriptor_R_R): mnemonic = 'mov' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.MOV encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst):[inst.reg1].value =[inst.reg2].value
[docs] def jit(core, inst): reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_mov(): reg1.value = reg2.value return __jit_mov
[docs]class SWP(Descriptor_R_R): mnemonic = 'swp' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.SWP encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): r1 =[inst.reg1] r2 =[inst.reg2] r1.value, r2.value = r2.value, r1.value
[docs] def jit(core, inst): reg1 =[inst.reg1] reg2 =[inst.reg2] def __jit_swp(): reg1.value, reg2.value = reg2.value, reg1.value return __jit_swp
# # Control instructions #
[docs]class CTR(Descriptor_R_R): mnemonic = 'ctr' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CTR encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst):[inst.reg1].value = update_arith_flags(core,[inst.reg1])
[docs]class CTW(Descriptor_R_R): mnemonic = 'ctw' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.CTW encoding = EncodingR @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.control_coprocessor.write(inst.reg1,[inst.reg2].value)
[docs]class FPTC(Descriptor): mnemonic = 'fptc' opcode = DuckyOpcodes.FPTC encoding = EncodingI @staticmethod
[docs] def execute(core, inst): core.mmu.release_ptes()
[docs]class DuckyInstructionSet(InstructionSet): instruction_set_id = 0 opcodes = DuckyOpcodes
NOP(DuckyInstructionSet) INT(DuckyInstructionSet) IPI(DuckyInstructionSet) RETINT(DuckyInstructionSet) CALL(DuckyInstructionSet) RET(DuckyInstructionSet) CLI(DuckyInstructionSet) STI(DuckyInstructionSet) HLT(DuckyInstructionSet) RST(DuckyInstructionSet) IDLE(DuckyInstructionSet) PUSH(DuckyInstructionSet) POP(DuckyInstructionSet) INC(DuckyInstructionSet) DEC(DuckyInstructionSet) ADD(DuckyInstructionSet) SUB(DuckyInstructionSet) CMP(DuckyInstructionSet) J(DuckyInstructionSet) INW(DuckyInstructionSet) INB(DuckyInstructionSet) INS(DuckyInstructionSet) OUTS(DuckyInstructionSet) OUTW(DuckyInstructionSet) OUTB(DuckyInstructionSet) AND(DuckyInstructionSet) OR(DuckyInstructionSet) XOR(DuckyInstructionSet) NOT(DuckyInstructionSet) SHIFTL(DuckyInstructionSet) SHIFTR(DuckyInstructionSet) # Memory access LW(DuckyInstructionSet) LS(DuckyInstructionSet) LB(DuckyInstructionSet) LI(DuckyInstructionSet) LIU(DuckyInstructionSet) LA(DuckyInstructionSet) STW(DuckyInstructionSet) STS(DuckyInstructionSet) STB(DuckyInstructionSet) MOV(DuckyInstructionSet) SWP(DuckyInstructionSet) MUL(DuckyInstructionSet) DIV(DuckyInstructionSet) UDIV(DuckyInstructionSet) MOD(DuckyInstructionSet) CMPU(DuckyInstructionSet) CAS(DuckyInstructionSet) SIS(DuckyInstructionSet) # Branching instructions BE(DuckyInstructionSet) BNE(DuckyInstructionSet) BZ(DuckyInstructionSet) BNZ(DuckyInstructionSet) BO(DuckyInstructionSet) BNO(DuckyInstructionSet) BS(DuckyInstructionSet) BNS(DuckyInstructionSet) BG(DuckyInstructionSet) BGE(DuckyInstructionSet) BL(DuckyInstructionSet) BLE(DuckyInstructionSet) # SET* instructions SETE(DuckyInstructionSet) SETNE(DuckyInstructionSet) SETZ(DuckyInstructionSet) SETNZ(DuckyInstructionSet) SETO(DuckyInstructionSet) SETNO(DuckyInstructionSet) SETS(DuckyInstructionSet) SETNS(DuckyInstructionSet) SETG(DuckyInstructionSet) SETGE(DuckyInstructionSet) SETL(DuckyInstructionSet) SETLE(DuckyInstructionSet) LPM(DuckyInstructionSet) # Control instructions CTR(DuckyInstructionSet) CTW(DuckyInstructionSet) FPTC(DuckyInstructionSet) DuckyInstructionSet.init() INSTRUCTION_SETS = { DuckyInstructionSet.instruction_set_id: DuckyInstructionSet }
[docs]def get_instruction_set(i, exc = None): from ..cpu import InvalidInstructionSetError exc = exc or InvalidInstructionSetError if i not in INSTRUCTION_SETS: raise exc(i) return INSTRUCTION_SETS[i]