Source code for ducky.streams

Streams represent basic IO objects, used by devices for reading or writing
(streams) of data.

``Stream`` object encapsulates an actual IO object - ``file``-like stream,
raw file descriptor, or even something completely different. ``Stream`` classes
then provide basic IO methods for moving data to and from stream, shielding
user from implementation details, like Python2/Python3 differencies.

import abc
import errno
import fcntl
import io
import os
import termios
import tty

from six import PY2, integer_types, string_types, add_metaclass

from .errors import InvalidResourceError
from .util import isfile

[docs]def fd_blocking(fd, block = None): """ Query or set blocking mode of file descriptor. :type int fd: file descriptor to manipulate. :type bool block: if set, method will set blocking mode of file descriptor accordingly: ``True`` means blocking, ``False`` non-blocking mode. If not set, the current setting will be returned. ``None`` by default. :rtype: bool :returns: if ``block`` is ``None``, current setting of blocking mode is returned - ``True`` for blocking, ``False`` for non-blocking. Othwerwise, function returns nothing. """ flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) if block is None: return (flags & os.O_NONBLOCK) == 0 if block is True: flags &= ~os.O_NONBLOCK else: flags |= os.O_NONBLOCK fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags)
[docs]class Stream(object): """ Abstract base class of all streams. :param machine: parent :py:class`ducky.machine.Machine` object. :param desc: description of stream. This is a short, string representation of the stream. :param stream: ``file``-like stream that provides IO method (``read()`` or ``write``). If it is set, it is preferred IO object. :param int fd: raw file descriptor. ``stream`` takes precedence, otherwise this file descriptor is used. :param bool close: if ``True``, and if ``stream`` has a ``close()`` method, stream will provide ``close()`` method that will close the underlaying ``file``-like object. ``True`` by default. :param bool allow_close: if not ``True``, stream's ``close()`` method will *not* close underlying IO resource. ``True`` by default. """ def __init__(self, machine, desc, stream = None, fd = None, close = True, allow_close = True): if stream is None and fd is None: raise InvalidResourceError('Stream "%s" must have stream object or raw file descriptor.' % desc) self.logger = machine.LOGGER self.DEBUG = machine.LOGGER.debug self.desc = desc = stream self.fd = fd self._raw_read = self._raw_read_stream if stream is not None else self._raw_read_fd self._raw_write = self._raw_write_stream if stream is not None else self._raw_write_fd self.allow_close = allow_close self._close = None if close is True and stream is not None and hasattr(stream, 'close'): self._close = stream.close def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.desc)
[docs] def has_fd(self): """ Check if stream has raw file descriptor. File descriptors can be checked for IO availability by reactor's polling task. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` when stream has file descriptor. """ return self.fd is not None
[docs] def has_poll_support(self): """ Streams that can polled for data should return ``True``. :rtype: bool """ # For most common case, if the stream has file descriptor set, it can be polled. return self.has_fd()
[docs] def register_with_reactor(self, reactor, **kwargs): """ Called by owner to register the stream with reactor's polling service. See :py:meth:`ducky.reactor.Reactor.add_fd` for keyword arguments. :param ducky.reactor.Reactor reactor: reactor instance to register with. """ reactor.add_fd(self.fd, **kwargs)
[docs] def unregister_with_reactor(self, reactor): """ Called by owner to unregister the stream with reactor's polling service, e.g. when stream is about to be closed. :param ducky.reactor.Reactor reactor: reactor instance to unregister from. """ reactor.remove_fd(self.fd)
def _raw_read_stream(self, size = None): self.DEBUG('%s._raw_read_stream: size=%s', self.__class__.__name__, size) size = size or 0 return def _raw_read_fd(self, size = None): self.DEBUG('%s._raw_read_fd: size=%s', self.__class__.__name__, size) size = size or io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE return, size) def _raw_write_stream(self, data): self.DEBUG('%s._raw_write_stream: data="%s", len=%s, type=%s', self.__class__.__name__, data, len(data), type(data)) remaining_chars = len(data) while remaining_chars > 0: try: return except io.BlockingIOError as e: remaining_chars -= e.characters_written continue except EnvironmentError as e: # Resource temporarily unavailable if e.errno == 11: continue raise e def _raw_write_fd(self, data): self.DEBUG('%s._raw_write_fd: data="%s", len=%s, type=%s', self.__class__.__name__, data, len(data), type(data)) os.write(self.fd, data) @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def read(self, size = None): """ Read data from stream. :param int size: if set, read at maximum ``size`` bytes. :rtype: ``bytearray`` (Python2), ``bytes`` (Python3) :returns: read data, of maximum lenght of ``size``, ``None`` when there are no available data, or empty string in case of EOF. """ raise NotImplementedError('%s does not implement read method' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def write(self, buff): """ Write data to stream. :param bytearray buff: data to write. ``bytearray`` (Python2), ``bytes`` (Python3) """ raise NotImplementedError('%s does not implement write method' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def close(self): """ This method will close the stream. If ``allow_close`` flag is not set to ``True``, nothing will happen. If the stream wasn't created with ``close`` set to ``True``, nothing will happen. If the wrapped IO resource does not have ``close()`` method, nothing will happen. """ self.DEBUG('%s.close: allow_close=%s, _close=%s', self.__class__.__name__, self.allow_close, self._close) if not self.allow_close: self.DEBUG('%s.close: not allowed', self.__class__.__name__) return if self._close is not None: self._close()
[docs]class InputStream(Stream): if PY2: def read(self, size = None): self.DEBUG(' size=%s', self.__class__.__name__, size) buff = self._raw_read(size = size) if not buff: return bytearray([]) return bytearray([ord(c) for c in buff]) else:
[docs] def read(self, size = None): self.DEBUG(' size=%s', self.__class__.__name__, size) buff = self._raw_read(size = size) return buff
[docs] def write(self, b): raise NotImplementedError('%s does not implement write method' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def create(machine, desc): machine.LOGGER.debug('InputStream.create: desc=%s', desc) if isfile(desc): return FileInputStream(machine, desc) if hasattr(desc, 'read'): return MethodInputStream(machine, desc) if hasattr(desc, 'fileno'): return FDInputStream(machine, desc.fileno()) if isinstance(desc, integer_types): return FDInputStream(machine, desc) if desc == '<stdin>': return StdinStream(machine) if isinstance(desc, string_types): return FileInputStream(machine, open(desc, 'rb')) raise InvalidResourceError('Unknown stream description: desc=%s' % desc)
[docs]class FileInputStream(InputStream): def __init__(self, machine, f, **kwargs): super(FileInputStream, self).__init__(machine, '<file %s>' %, stream = f, fd = f.fileno())
[docs]class MethodInputStream(InputStream): def __init__(self, machine, desc, **kwargs): super(MethodInputStream, self).__init__(machine, repr(desc), stream = desc)
[docs]class FDInputStream(InputStream): def __init__(self, machine, fd, **kwargs): super(FDInputStream, self).__init__(machine, '<fd %s>' % fd, fd = fd)
[docs]class StdinStream(InputStream): def __init__(self, machine, **kwargs): DEBUG = machine.LOGGER.debug self.old_termios = None stream = machine.stdin.buffer if hasattr(machine.stdin, 'buffer') else machine.stdin fd = machine.stdin.fileno() if hasattr(machine.stdin, 'fileno') else None if fd is not None: DEBUG('%s.__init__: re-pack <stdin> fd as a new stream to avoid colisions', self.__class__.__name__) stream = os.fdopen(fd, 'rb', 0) fd = stream.fileno() DEBUG('%s.__init__: set <stdin> fd to non-blocking mode', self.__class__.__name__) fd_blocking(fd, block = False) try: self.old_termios = termios.tcgetattr(fd) tty.setcbreak(fd) except termios.error as e: if e.args[0] != errno.ENOTTY: raise e DEBUG('%s.__init__: stream=%r, fd=%r', self.__class__.__name__, stream, fd) super(StdinStream, self).__init__(machine, '<stdin>', stream = stream, fd = fd, close = False, **kwargs)
[docs] def close(self): self.DEBUG('%s.close', self.__class__.__name__) if self.old_termios is not None: termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, self.old_termios)
[docs] def get_selectee(self): return
[docs]class OutputStream(Stream):
[docs] def read(self, size = None): raise NotImplementedError('%s does not implement read method' % self.__class__.__name__)
if PY2: def write(self, buff): self.DEBUG('%s.write: buff=%s', self.__class__.__name__, buff) self._raw_write(''.join([chr(b) for b in buff])) else:
[docs] def write(self, buff): self.DEBUG('%s.write: buff=%s', self.__class__.__name__, buff) self._raw_write(bytes(buff))
[docs] def flush(self): if is not None and hasattr(, 'flush'):
[docs] def create(machine, desc): machine.LOGGER.debug('OutputStream.create: desc=%s', desc) if isfile(desc): return FileOutputStream(machine, desc) if hasattr(desc, 'write'): return MethodOutputStream(machine, desc) if hasattr(desc, 'fileno'): return FDOutputStream(machine, desc.fileno()) if isinstance(desc, integer_types): return FDOutputStream(machine, desc) if desc == '<stdout>': return StdoutStream(machine) if desc == '<stderr>': return StderrStream(machine) if isinstance(desc, string_types): return FileOutputStream(machine, open(desc, 'wb')) raise InvalidResourceError('Unknown stream description: desc=%s' % desc)
[docs]class FileOutputStream(OutputStream): def __init__(self, machine, f, **kwargs): super(FileOutputStream, self).__init__(machine, '<file %s>' %, stream = f, fd = f.fileno())
[docs]class FDOutputStream(OutputStream): def __init__(self, machine, fd, **kwargs): super(FDOutputStream, self).__init__(machine, '<fd %s>' % fd, fd = fd)
[docs]class MethodOutputStream(OutputStream): def __init__(self, machine, desc, **kwargs): super(MethodOutputStream, self).__init__(machine, repr(desc), stream = desc)
[docs]class StdoutStream(OutputStream): def __init__(self, machine): stream = machine.stdout.buffer if hasattr(machine.stdout, 'buffer') else machine.stdout fd = machine.stdout.fileno() if hasattr(machine.stdout, 'fileno') else None super(StdoutStream, self).__init__(machine, '<stdout>', stream = stream, fd = fd, close = False)
[docs]class StderrStream(OutputStream): def __init__(self, machine): stream = machine.stderr.buffer if hasattr(machine.stderr, 'buffer') else machine.stderr fd = machine.stderr.fileno() if hasattr(machine.stderr, 'fileno') else None super(StderrStream, self).__init__(machine, '<stderr>', stream = stream, fd = fd, close = False)