Source code for

import os
import sys

from six.moves import range

from import u32_t, u8_t, PAGE_SIZE
from import File, SectionTypes, SectionFlags
from ..util import BinaryFile, align
from import BLOCK_SIZE
from ..hdt import HDT

NULL8  = u8_t(0)
NULL32 = u32_t(0)

[docs]def align_file(logger, f_out, boundary): logger.debug('Adding padding bytes to align with BLOCK_SIZE'), os.SEEK_END) pos = f_out.tell() logger.debug(' Last position: %s => %s', pos, align(boundary, pos)) missing = align(boundary, pos) - pos logger.debug(' Missing %s bytes', missing) for _ in range(0, missing): f_out.write(NULL8)
[docs]def create_binary_image(logger, f_in, f_out, bio = False): reserved_space = 0 if bio is True: logger.debug('Reserving 1st block for header') reserved_space = BLOCK_SIZE for _ in range(0, BLOCK_SIZE // 4): f_out.write(NULL32) for s_header, s_content in f_in.sections(): s_name = f_in.string_table.get_string( s_flags = SectionFlags.from_encoding(s_header.flags) logger.debug('Process section %s', s_name) if s_header.type not in (SectionTypes.TEXT, SectionTypes.DATA): logger.debug(' Not a text or data section, ignore') continue if s_flags.loadable != 1: logger.debug(' Not loadable, ignore') continue logger.debug(' Base 0x%08X', s_header.base) logger.debug(' Seeking to %s', s_header.base + reserved_space) + reserved_space) if s_flags.bss == 1: for i in range(0, s_header.data_size): f_out.write(NULL8) else: for i, item in enumerate(s_content): f_out.write(item) logger.debug('%s items written', i) align_file(logger, f_out, BLOCK_SIZE if bio else PAGE_SIZE) end = f_out.tell() logger.debug('Last position: %s', end) if bio is True: logger.debug('Writing header') f_out.write(u32_t(end // BLOCK_SIZE)) f_out.flush()
[docs]def create_hdt_image(logger, file_in, f_out, options): from .vm import process_config_options config = process_config_options(logger, config_file = file_in, set_options = [(section,) + tuple(option.split('=')) for section, option in (option.split(':') for option in options.set_options)], add_options = [(section,) + tuple(option.split('=')) for section, option in (option.split(':') for option in options.add_options)], enable_devices = options.enable_devices, disable_devices = options.disable_devices) hdt = HDT(logger, config = config) hdt.create() f_out.write(hdt.header) for entry in hdt.entries: f_out.write(entry) align_file(logger, f_out, PAGE_SIZE) f_out.flush()
[docs]def main(): import optparse from . import add_common_options, parse_options parser = optparse.OptionParser() add_common_options(parser) group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'File options') parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option('-i', dest = 'file_in', default = None, help = 'Input file') group.add_option('-o', dest = 'file_out', default = None, help = 'Output file') group.add_option('-f', dest = 'force', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'Force overwrite of the output file') group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Image options') parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option('-b', '--binary', dest = 'image', action = 'store_const', const = 'binary', help = 'Create image of a binary', default = 'binary') group.add_option('-H', '--hdt', dest = 'image', action = 'store_const', const = 'hdt', help = 'Create image of HDT') group.add_option('--bio', dest = 'bio', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Allow loading by BIO') group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Machine config options') parser.add_option_group(group) group.add_option('--set-option', dest = 'set_options', action = 'append', default = [], metavar = 'SECTION:OPTION=VALUE', help = 'Set option') group.add_option('--add-option', dest = 'add_options', action = 'append', default = [], metavar = 'SECTION:OPTION=VALUE', help = 'Add value to an option') group.add_option('--enable-device', dest = 'enable_devices', action = 'append', default = [], metavar = 'DEVICE', help = 'Enable device') group.add_option('--disable-device', dest = 'disable_devices', action = 'append', default = [], metavar = 'DEVICE', help = 'Disable device') options, logger = parse_options(parser) if not options.file_in or not options.file_out: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if options.image == 'binary': with, options.file_in, 'r') as f_in: f_in.load() with, options.file_out, 'w') as f_out: create_binary_image(logger, f_in, f_out, bio = elif options.image == 'hdt': with, options.file_out, 'w') as f_out: create_hdt_image(logger, options.file_in, f_out, options)